Boston-based New Balance, Inc. and New Balance Foundation kick off their second annual New Balance SparkStart Global Volunteer Week today in support of NB SparkStart, a global charitable initiative focused on improving the health, well-being and self-esteem of children through movement. NB SparkStart Global Volunteer Week efforts align directly with the NB SparkStart goal, by encouraging associates worldwide to coordinate service projects that inspire a lifetime of movement and healthy eating in kids.
More than 1,500 associates from more than 50 of the company’s global locations in the United States, Canada, U.K., China, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, along with U.S. retail stores, will join together for nearly 70 community volunteer projects that range from playground makeovers and school garden builds to field days and running training with key New Balance Foundation nonprofit grant recipients and other local children’s organizations.
“Doing well and doing good has been deeply ingrained in the New Balance culture and mission for more than 30 years,” says Anne Davis, New Balance Vice Chairman and Executive Vice President of Administration. “We see our values come to life as our associates volunteer during Global Volunteer Week and year-round, using their resources, energy and skills to inspire children to discover and nurture their movement ‘spark’ and learn healthy habits.”
“Uniting our global associates in service reflects our deep commitment to NB SparkStart and the amazing work of the charities we support. It enables us to continue to make a significant and positive impact worldwide on the kids in our own backyards,” says Amy Sweeney, Community Outreach Manager at New Balance.
NB SparkStart aligns New Balance, Inc. and the New Balance Foundation philanthropy and responsible business practices through grants, associate volunteerism and engagement, athlete involvement, product donations, retail events and consumer engagement.
Since its inception in 1981, The New Balance Foundation has been committed to supporting causes that will make a long-lasting and sustainable change in the world. Since 2001, the Foundation’s focus has been on preventing childhood obesity through supporting research, and grassroots organizations that are teaching children how to make healthy eating choices and helping them to be more active.
Visit for stories of how New Balance associates and athletes discovered their spark and the impact it had on their lives. Follow on Twitter or Instagram at @nbgivesback #nbsparkstart.
About New Balance Foundation
Established in 1981, the New Balance Foundation has served a deeply held mission: to support charitable organizations whose humanitarian efforts work for the betterment of our children and communities. The heart of our focus is the prevention of childhood obesity. For more information, please visit
About New Balance
New Balance, headquartered in Boston, MA has the following mission: Demonstrating responsible leadership, we build global brands that athletes are proud to wear, associates are proud to create and communities are proud to host. New Balance is the only major company to make or assemble more than 4 million pairs of athletic footwear per year in the USA, which represents a limited portion of our US sales. Where the domestic value is at least 70%, we label our shoes Made in the USA. New Balance owns five factories in New England and one in Flimby, U.K. New Balance employs more than 5,000 associates around the globe, and in 2014 reported worldwide sales of $3.3 billion. To learn more about New Balance, please visit